The Rising Tide of Pharmacy Burnout and How to Turn It 2

In an era marked by escalating demands on healthcare professionals, pharmacists are confronting a significant increase in burnout within their ranks.

According to the 2023 Pharmacy Times Burnout and Mental Health Survey, the average burnout score among pharmacists is alarmingly high at 5.89 out of 7.

The study also showed the top 5 drivers of burnout were workload (21.7%), work/life balance (16.1%), challenging or unreasonable performance metrics (15.2%), management (14.3%), and high patient and prescription volumes (13.1%).

The Impact of Burnout

Researchers at the University of Illinois Chicago, highlight that burnout often leads to medical errors, patient harm, strained collaborative relationships, and diminished patient satisfaction. In other words, the impact of pharmacy burnout is rippling out and can no longer be ignored.

Although some pharmacies are taking action to lessen burnout by implementing things like dedicated break times, 52% of those polled said it had made little to no impact.

Turning the Tide:

So, how can you reverse the tide? Start by addressing the two primary drivers of burnout, work-life Imbalance and work overload.

Work-life Imbalance: Leaders can take a proactive approach by investing in well-being initiatives for both themselves and their teams. Consider the following ideas:

Feedback Mechanism: Regularly collect feedback from your staff on work-life balance initiatives and be open to making adjustments based on their input.

Mental Health Support: Provide access to mental health resources, such as counseling services or stress management workshops, to support your staff’s wellbeing.

Recognition and Rewards: Regularly acknowledge and reward hard work and achievements to boost morale. Reward with spa days, paid day off, and team lunch once a week.

Vacation Time Encouragement: Encourage staff to use their vacation time and respect their time off by not contacting them for work-related issues.

Team Building: Organize activities to strengthen relationships and improve collaboration, making the workplace more enjoyable.

Appreciation Lunch: Regularly treating your staff by ordering lunch not only gives them something to look forward to but also fosters a sense of appreciation. And let’s be honest, who doesn’t love a complimentary lunch?!

Begin with actions you can implement immediately and build from there. Proactive measures demonstrate to your staff that you are actively committed to fostering a healthier work environment, reflecting your appreciation and concern for their mental well-being.

Work-Overload: Leverage technology and automation to reduce repetitive tasks and streamline workflow reducing task and stress.

Automation technology, like the HangRx Automated Pharmacy Will-Call Solutions, plays a crucial role in streamlining and automating various tasks in retail pharmacies. These tasks range from retrieval and messaging to return-to-stock procedures and inventory management. HangRx’s seamless integration with Pharmacy Management Systems (PMS), coupled with its affordable pricing structures, positions Suncrest at the forefront of will-call innovation.

“Our will-call area is faster, more efficient, accurate, and enjoyable for the customer. I believe HangRx has made more difference in customer service than any other technology we have employed”

Drew Huggins COO, DrugCo Pharmacies

In conclusion, addressing pharmacy burnout is not only critical but also achievable with immediate and focused action. Let’s work together to create a healthier, more sustainable work environment in the pharmacy sector.

For more information on how HangRx can help alleviate burnout in your pharmacy, visit